Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Reading Really Is Fundamental. Even for Musicians.

I once heard that if I learn everything there is to know about music publishing, I'll pretty much know
everything there is to know about music business. I figured that knowing everything there is to know about music business is kinda how to make money while making music. This sort of implies that knowing absolutely nothing about music business is kinda how to not make money while making music. If I make music and people like what I do, I should be making money, right?

All these thoughts running through my head. I went to Powell's Books and found This Book. Then, I sat down and read it because nothing is learned through osmosis, no matter how hard I try. I now know a little more about music publishing. And it was pretty simple once I saw the structure. I took some notes. Then I put the book back on the shelf because fuck spending money.

The more you read, the smarter you are. I encourage everyone to read more...especially about their chosen career path.


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