Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Q & A with Delta coolbreeze in cyberland

Dail Chambers in St. Louis Mag, Nov 2013
Click image for an article on Dail Chambers in St. Louis Mag, Nov 2013

Multi-media visual artist and spiritualist, Dail Chambers (aka Delta Coolbreeze in Cyberland), brings the imagination of the planets and ancestors to life through magic. I first encountered her at a community art event at Legacy Books & Cafe in StL. Priding myself a benevolent voyeur, I spent years exploring her gallery , studio, and wardrobe. I have found her to represent creation, persona, and activism seamlessly and without discretion, challenging and championing the creativity of all those around her. "Dail embodies her art" is an understatement. I believe she painted herself one morning, and simply walked off the canvas in protest of 2 dimensions. She is also the reason that Uranus Is Blue. Folks of the Universe and surrounding areas, meet Dail Chambers!

Blue: Where are you from and what hood(s) do you claim?

Dail Chambers: I am from everywhere and nowhere all in the same. I am the child of two ex marines and have lived in California, saint Louis, Georgia, Tennessee and Hawaii. I've spent the most time in saint Louis.

B: What are your core values and artistic mission?

DC: Some of my core values are that everyone should have access to the arts, live out their life path and have enough economic freedom to do so. My personal core commitments are to take care of my health and well being at every level before adding more things to my buffet of interests. This one has been most impactful for me as I grow in my approach to daily life tasks. My artistic mission is to relate to others through dream imagery, abstracted snippets of contemporary objects and materials, and the depiction of my own life narrative. By doing this I hope to achieve self resolution, connectivity with the imagination of others and show support to nature, the metaphysical and all political associations to "freedom for all" philosophy.

B: Describe your history as an artist.

DC: I've lived a creative life. My grandmother took me to the library regularly. I still have the same thirst as then. Now, I have let the art consume me in the brightest of hours and let her slip away in the dark. This has been my biggest mistake because I must create regardless of the time or season. I am in this moment, living my life path artistically. I have a child, she is not all that I create and this is my history. Other than that, I went to art school, I've gotten a few fellowships and I make things. It has been a struggle to live this way and I am thankful that I have the opportunity to live in this way.

B: What do your pieces say about you?

DC: My pieces say many things about me, much I do not listen to. I should keep my ear to the ground instead.

B: What materials do you use in the construction of your masterpieces? What is your preferred medium and why?
DC: I use a variety of media in my conceptual work. Lots of found object, copper wire and wood. I choose to use natural based materials because I want to reflect that which we still have to explore. Man made materials are made over and over again to be the product it is. In many ways by choosing natural materials I am dismantling the notion that we as artists must depend on the manufactured products of others to supply our work.

B:  How would you describe your aesthetic?
DC: My aesthetic is a mytho narrative rooted in surrealism, post modernism and African based ritual art.
It manifests itself in aging papers, rusted forms, and lots of shadows and texture.
B: What advice would you give a young visual artist comin' up in the world trying to get paper?
DC: I have no advice for anyone trying to get paper, regardless of age. "Get it how you live" would be my only remark.

B: If you could spend a week in the country with any historical figure from the past, present, or future, who would it be and what would you talk about?

DC: I would bring back my grandmother Evelyn Haynes who is buried in Washington park cemetery in Berkeley, mo. Section 8, lot 1442 grave 3 where it is so overgrown and rolling with dead black bodies from the 1890's forward that I cannot reach the site. I would ask her how to live out my life with both freedom and love balanced, and how to heal my deepest pain so my character does not get in the way of my destiny.

B: If you could go back in time, what would you tell 19 year old Dail?

DC: I would tell younger dail to come to terms with being unhappy. It happens, and there is no fault to it.

B: What's next for Dail Chambers?

DC: I plan to continue breathing for now. That is my only commitment.

B: Where can the people find you and your art?

DC: Goodsearch me and Yeyo arts collective gets a penny every time you do, if you choose to. The collective I've coordinated: In person at gya community art gallery in saint Louis mo and by professional arrangement. contact me at

B: Any last words to your supporters?

DC: I am thankful for all the people who support me in concept, principal, in flesh, business or personal life. I need more support to raise my child, continue creating and to push forward the work of our nonprofit group yeyo arts collective. At this time I need for people to spread the word of the work I do, just as it is on Uranus, and to send me love and light through the winter!

Love, Peace, and

Watch our full interview which features art works by Dail Chambers and music by Fathom 9, Blue, and Dail Chambers 

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